– i a m n o t h e r e –
In this neverending stream of consciousness, of millionizing selfies and endless communication anyone and anything becomes a particle, a pixel, screaming for attention. It makes me want to hide. No faces, no colours, no identity. Safety in anonymity. But how can you achieve invisibility in this very visible world? In these days you have to be present everywhere, you have to fight for your place in the world, to talk, to do, to be seen. Faces are used to manipulate and to identify people, they are omnipresent. Faces are the most immediate way to appeal. For identification you are biometricalized, hence recognizable all over the world just by your facial features and digital traces.
My series collects details, places and distorted portraits. Like a mosaic of thoughts, it builds a digital mindscape of a person, describing her by it, yet never identifying her by the ususal means, a fear of being seen and not being seen at the same time. A depersonalized emotion, unsure about its own existence.
Occasionally, I blacken a canvas print of one of these pictures, thereby erasing this identity even more.
The Triptychs transfer the subject into virtual reality, a 3D rendered subject in a surreal, dark space. They close the “iamnothere” series, as they dissolve the individual into the virtual world completely, giving wings and weightlessness to the formerly heavy and concrete (“Abyss”) and human (non-) existence (“iamnothere”). It transcends the former two stages, hence the name.
Stage One -Human (non-) existence
Stage Two – heavy and concrete
Stage Three – digital and weightless