In the Pink
If reality is too boring or painful for you, why not delve into the digital for a while? Immerse into carefully constructed yet still glitchy worlds of your choice. Become the hero of your own destiny again and again. Visit all those places you wanted to see, even watch the earth from afar. It will be your technicolor escape from reality. Your untouchable vision of grandeur, your DREAM THERAPY.
“In the pink” = In perfect condition, especially of health.
They say that if you can’t find the adventure and joy in life, then go to it. But some people prefer a more personal approach- they need their own adventures created for them so this is where technology steps in! Digital worlds are now popular escape routes from reality because of how easy going into one feels like being transported away on vacation. If you feel bored or sad with your current situation, just spend time exploring digital realms instead – by immersing yourself within these carefully constructed yet still glitchy places while taking on heroic tasks again and again; visit all those amazing locations around the world without leaving home; experience what it’s really like to be an astronaut soaring above Earth at night–you will soon start feeling refreshed as well as fulfilled! Dive into the worlds of your choice, where you’ll find yourself as a hero again and again.