Wave-Gotik-Treffen 2024 in Leipzig
Another year has passed and I was so eager to meet all of you again at Wave-Gotik-Treffen ! It felt earlier this time as it took place in May yet the park’s azalea was in full flower as usual, and the trees were already green.
The Victorian Picnic was extremely busy on Friday, although I heard that the city itself was relatively empty compared to previous years.
To be honest, this time, the weather was my main concern! The weather forecast predicted rain, so I was quite anxious as I wouldn’t be able to take pictures as much if it did. And I suspect that the delicate beauty of the lavish dresses and makeup would not last long in the rain either.
However, the weather gods were full of mercy to my poor photographer’s soul, and the clouds cleared in other areas.
Setting up the annual group exhibition in the week prior to the festival was certainly another challenge. This time, instead of just hanging canvasses, we had to frame so many artworks! In fact, we had to buy new frames and cut passepartouts. On the day of the opening, though, everything was looking super cool and everything went smoothly. Because I was rain-stressing me so much, I was not able to attend during the festival but I will definitely be there next year on Sunday, and I may even do a special photo session at the gallery!
Luckily I met most people I wanted to see, but not all of them – quite a common problem at WGT, also managing to watch some concerts amidst my deadlines is hardly possible, really. But anyways, I had a lovely time even if the price was high: I fell ill with Covid immediately after the festival, despite trying to be careful and masking indoors – it’s not over, unfortunately, and I really really hate being sick. But yeah, it’s hard to escape this damn virus, or any of the other ones floating around these days.
Feel free to take a look at the group exhibition “WGT at the Gallery” with Florentine Joop, Susan Illingworth, Holger Much & others at the “Kunst liebt Mut”- Gallery. On show: New works from “Neo Dystopia”, a brand new series in cyan and red.
As you know, you can find a lot of my WGT-pictures online at MDR-Kultur.de/wgt
And as per usual, here is my noir selection of some favorites!